#LoveOzYA Throwback Thursday - Looking For Alibrandi

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Throwback Thursday edition is our way of spreading the love of backlist Aussie books that you might have missed. We'll hopefully be posting a new book every second week, and we'd love you to join us!

name's pick

Title: Looking for Alibrandi
Author: Melina Marchetta
Released: 05 October 1992
Publisher: Penguin Australia
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Josephine Alibrandi is seventeen, illegitimate, and in her final year at a wealthy Catholic school. This is the year her father comes back into her life, the year she falls in love, the year she discovers the secrets of her family's past and the year she sets herself free.

why i chose it

I remember reading Looking for Alibrandi for year nine English and I absolutely loved it. I found it so relatable, even though I’m not Italian, or lived anywhere near Bondi. This book was one of my favourites of the year (which is saying something, because 2000 was the year I discovered Harry Potter). I absolutely loved the family dynamics in this book, and the fact that Josephine ‘sets herself free’. As a 14 year old reading this book, that’s exactly what I wanted to do, too. (I also remember hating that the film changed things so she and her boyfriend actually stayed together? I thought they were better off broken up.) Just writing this is making me want to read this incredible book again! .

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