Seventy-Seven Saturday: Call It What You Want
Every Saturday we will bring you a short snippet from page 77 of a book. It might be a book one of us is reading or perhaps just the book closest to us.
The Rules:
- Pick up a Book (your current read, or the closest book to you, or your next read, etc)
- Turn to page 77(or 77% if you are on an e-reader)
- Find a Snippet, Sentence or Paragraph you like.
- Share it on your blog or Twitter or Instagram and link back to us (AusYABloggers) and use #77Saturday
Star's Choice

Author:Brigid Kemmerer
Released: 27th June 2019
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It sounds like what she really wants to do is procrastinate. Or maybe I'm just channelling my mother.
Star's Thoughts
I think this is something almost everyone can relate to - procrastinating on a choice. And also sounding like their mother.
Follow Star at Little Miss Star, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads
Seventy-Seven Saturday was inspired by The Friday 56 by Freda's Voice. If you decided to share your Seventy-Seven Saturday on your blog please link back to us and tag us on Twitter of Instagram @AsuYABloggers and #77Saturday
Blog Tour : Break the Fall

About The Book
Break The Fall
Written by Jennifer Iacopelli
Published by Hachette Australia
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Review copy courtesy of Publisher
Written by Jennifer Iacopelli
Published by Hachette Australia
Add Break The Fall to Goodreads
Review copy courtesy of Publisher
A fiercely told survivorship novel about one girl's determination to push her body to win gold at the Olympics, and the power of uniting as women to speak out.
The only thing seventeen-year-old Audrey Lee dreams about is swinging her way to Olympic glory. Nothing is going to stop her, not even the agony in her back. Every spasm and ache will be worth it once she has that gold medal around her neck.
But none of her training prepares her for her coach being led away in handcuffs, accused by a fellow gymnast of the unthinkable. No one knows what, or who to believe and Audrey's teammates go into meltdown.
As the Olympic torch closes in, Audrey has no idea who to trust, let alone what life holds after her final dismount. The only thing she can do is hope that in the end, belief in herself and what's left of her team, will be enough for gold.
Tash's Thoughts:
Before I even start this book I want to put
it out there. There is a trigger in this
Warning: This book deals with Sexual Abuse
Iacopelli’s trad debut tells the story of
Audrey Lee, a seventeen-year-old gymnast who is about to make the fairy tale
comeback complete with a ticket to Olympics. Instead of being a time of
celebration and comradeship. The team
is ripped apart by the unthinkable which
leads to a team divided.
And Audrey is stuck in the middle of all of
Imagine Stick
It was a book but instead of just a gymnast seeking a second chance at
glory. There is much more at stake. A
future that is been determined by someone else actions not your own. Break
the Fall is much more than about a girl going for Gold and achieving her dream. Very quickly the
situation unfolds that leads to a team divided. Just as it seems Audrey is
getting her life together again after her come back. Life gives the hardball
of a lifetime just when Audrey was about to have it all.
very first chapter there is a quality to Audrey that she doesn’t
even herself realise until towards the end. It’s obvious through her
interactions with everyone she comes to
into contact with. Aubrey took the
news well even though it pretty much nearly destroyed everything she worked for
and she was about to have.
Overall the sexual abuse was handled well
given these girls in the book were all teenagers still.
It’s raw about the topic but isn’t confronting graphically. I think the way the author chooses to handle this
topic spoke volumes of what young girls can achieve given the right
resources and support. The last few chapters were my favourite part
of this book as it really showed the true strength of women in numbers
and how women can change the world for
I didn’t know where I stood with this book
until those chapters. It was clear that Audrey
was strong throughout the book even when it meant going against her peers. Whilst this story is
fictional , there is some parallels with a story that hit the world last
year. I don’t know about the time but
this book help understands that situation.
The author seems to be involved in
the gymnast community and made
this accurate as possible with sport side of things. It made it enjoyable as
someone who loves watching gymnast and cheer which shares some similarities.
I feel it was a bit heavy hand dealing with
the fallout from the minor characters. I expected the response from the people
who were directly involved in the
situation. Then nothing would have prepared for the fall that happened after the
unthinkable happened. Audrey handled it
well considering all things and the fact she had her own personal issues to
deal with. Being a pro sportswoman isn’t easy and there were times I felt sorry for her even
though it would perfectly reasonable demand given the situation. Break the Fall is hopefully not the last we
hear from Iacopelli as she knows how to turn something negative into positive
and provided encouragement for young people today.
Follow Tash at Thoughts by Tash , Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads
About The Author
Jennifer Iacopelli was born in New York and has no plans to leave, ever. Growing up, she read everything she could get her hands on, but her favorite authors were L.M. Montgomery and Frances Hodgson Burnett, both of whom wrote about kick-butt girls before it was cool for girls to be kick-butt. As a high school librarian, she frolics all day with her students, books and computers and writes at night while cheering on her beloved Yankees.
Connect with Jennifer
#DiverseThrowback Thursday - The Ghost Bride
Throwback Thursday #Diverse edition is our way of spreading the love of backlist diverse books that you might have missed. We'll hopefully be posting a new book every second week, and we'd love you to join us!
Tash's pick
Title: The Ghost Bride
Author: Yangsze Choo
Released: August 1st 2013
Publisher: Hot Key Books
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Seventeen-year-old Li Lan lives in 1890s Malaya with her quietly-ruined father, who returns one evening with a proposition - the fabulously wealthy Lim family want Li Lan to marry their son. The only problem is, he's dead. After a fateful visit to the Lim mansion, Li Lan finds herself haunted not only by her ghostly would-be suitor, but also her desire for the Lims' handsome new heir. At night she is drawn into the Chinese afterlife - a world of ghost cities, paper funeral offerings, monstrous bureaucracy and vengeful spirits. Enlisting the help of mysterious Er Lang (a dragon turned clerk) Li Lan must uncover the secrets of the ghost world - before she becomes trapped there forever.
Drawing on traditional Malayan folklore and superstition, THE GHOST BRIDE is a haunting, exotic and romantic read perfect for fans of EMPRESS ORCHID and MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA.
why i chose it
Before Choo's 2019 wildly successful novel The Night Tiger, there was her debut The Ghost Bride which was released in 2013. I had the privilege of reading an ARC early the year it released in 2013.The Ghost Bride introduces readers to a practice that was common in the 1800s: the marriage of young girl to a ghost. It is a scared honour, and the heroine in this novel, Li Lan takes on to repair the damage her father has caused to her family.
For Li it is a chance for honour, however this novel clearly becomes divided by the path Li must take and what the heart wants. Li, at seventeen is on the cusp of adulthood - and in this period of time, she has limited choices.
It's hard to read her journey. She's forced into a shadow world where she must please her new in-laws, but at the same time fight to remain in the light. Her journey is fraught with danger and challenges. Choo doesn't mince the life of a girl in the 1800s who tries to break traditions.
Choo's debut is one that has stuck by me as it was my introduction to the Chinese culture in YA fiction. Growing up , I was exposed to certain culture events and partook in them but this book opens my eyes to historical practices that I was unaware of. Whilst there is obvious dystopian/paranormal influence on this novel, Choo stays true to her background and introduces readers to part of her culture that was significant in the past.
Top Five Tuesday - Sarah’s Top Five TBR YA Comics
This week Sarah brings us her Top 5 TBR YA Comics

Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker & Wendy Xu
"A story of love and demons, family and witchcraft."
I've been hanging out to read Mooncakes since I first heard about and quickly pre-ordered it.
It's Queer <3 and with that tag line how could I not want to read it.
The cover looks super cute and I can't wait to delve into this story following teen witch Nova and teen werewolf Tam, as they battle baddies and their feelings for each other in this "enchanting tale of self-discovery".

The Tea Dragon Society (Tea Dragon #1) by Katie O'Neill
I first heard about this on Bookstagram a few years back and have had it on my TBR ever since. It may be more aimed at the MG crowd, but it's Queer and looks absolutely adorable. And I know there are plenty of teens and adults alike who've loved it. I'm really looking forward to reading it (hopefully before this year is out).

Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
This is another one that's been out for a while that I still need to get my hands on.
A standalone graphic novel filled with good-guys Vs bad-guys, magic and mischief , Shapeshifters and Dragons, bloody battles and giggles galore - how could I not want to read this!

Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell & Faith Erin Hicks
My bookish besties have been raving about this recent release and I am keen to join in their love affair with this book of fun, friendship and pumpkin patches.
Come on Booktopia where my delivery already.

This One Summer by Mariko Tamaki & Jillian Tamaki
I actually bought this one a while ago after seeing Mariko at a writers festival and still haven't had a chance to read it. It's coming-of-age-tale that I have only heard good things about - I am determined to read it before this year is through.
Break The Fall Tour Schedule
Hachette Australia together with the #AusYABloggers are celebrating the release of Break The Fall by author Jennifer Iacopelli . On tour, you'll find Australian and New Zealand bloggers, reviewers, instagrammers and youtubers and will begin on February 24th until March 1st 2020.
Tour Schedule
24th February Checkyourshelf_ Raathi Chota Shelle Reads Books | 25th February Bookish Universee Cait is Booked Nic Book Panda | 26th February Atlanta Bushnell Books Brooklyn the Bookworm Little Miss Star |
27th February Book and the Beauty Books Candles Cats Daydreaming Ink | 28th February Bookish Mystic Elissa Bookishbean Aus YA Bloggers | 29th February Chemical Bookdragon Lost in Literature She Writes About Books |
1st March 1 Girl 2 Many Books Dark Matter Zine The Owl Reader |
About The Book
Break The Fall
Written by Jennifer Iacopelli
Published by Hachette Australia
Add Break The Fall to Goodreads
Written by Jennifer Iacopelli
Published by Hachette Australia
Add Break The Fall to Goodreads
A fiercely told survivorship novel about one girl's determination to push her body to win gold at the Olympics, and the power of uniting as women to speak out.
The only thing seventeen-year-old Audrey Lee dreams about is swinging her way to Olympic glory. Nothing is going to stop her, not even the agony in her back. Every spasm and ache will be worth it once she has that gold medal around her neck.
But none of her training prepares her for her coach being led away in handcuffs, accused by a fellow gymnast of the unthinkable. No one knows what, or who to believe and Audrey's teammates go into meltdown.
As the Olympic torch closes in, Audrey has no idea who to trust, let alone what life holds after her final dismount. The only thing she can do is hope that in the end, belief in herself and what's left of her team, will be enough for gold.
About The Author
Jennifer Iacopelli was born in New York and has no plans to leave, ever. Growing up, she read everything she could get her hands on, but her favorite authors were L.M. Montgomery and Frances Hodgson Burnett, both of whom wrote about kick-butt girls before it was cool for girls to be kick-butt. As a high school librarian, she frolics all day with her students, books and computers and writes at night while cheering on her beloved Yankees.
Connect with Jennifer

Seventy-Seven Saturday: I Hold Your Heart
Every Saturday we will bring you a short snippet from page 77 of a book. It might be a book one of us is reading or perhaps just the book closest to us.
The Rules:
- Pick up a Book (your current read, or the closest book to you, or your next read, etc)
- Turn to page 77(or 77% if you are on an e-reader)
- Find a Snippet, Sentence or Paragraph you like.
- Share it on your blog or Twitter or Instagram and link back to us (AusYABloggers) and use #77Saturday
Star's Choice

Author: Karen Gregory
Released:11th July 2019
Publisher: Bloomsbury
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"Together," I say, putting my hand over his. "On the count of three? One, two, three!" We press down and the box disappears. A second later an acknowledgement message appears on the screen and now I'm really bouncing on my seat. "Yessss!" I say.
Star's Thoughts
This sounds like someone and their friend are submitting something really exciting online.
Follow Star at Little Miss Star, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads
Seventy-Seven Saturday was inspired by The Friday 56 by Freda's Voice. If you decided to share your Seventy-Seven Saturday on your blog please link back to us and tag us on Twitter of Instagram @AsuYABloggers and #77Saturday
#LoveOzYA Throwback Thursday: Shadows of the Realm
Throwback Thursday #LoveOzYA edition is our way of spreading the love of backlist Aussie books that you might have missed. We'll hopefully be posting a new book every second week, and we'd love you to join us!
Sarah's pick
Title: Shadows of the Realm(The Circle of Talia #1)
Author: Dionne Lister
Released:12th April 2012
Publisher: Dionne Lister
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This is an epic fantasy adventure book with lots of action, intrigue, creaturas and dragons, for young adult to adult.
Bronwyn and Blayke are two strangers being drawn into the same war. Their world is facing invasion from the Third Realm. While they move unknowingly toward each other, they are watched, hunted, and sabotaged. When the Dragon God interferes, it seems their world, Talia, will succumb to the threat. Can they learn enough of the tricks of the Realms before it’s too late, or will everything they love be destroyed?
The young Realmists’ journey pushes them away from all they’ve known, to walk in the shadows toward Vellonia, city of the dragons, where an even darker shadow awaits.
This book's been given the Grub Street Reads seal of approval.
why i chose it
I’ve previously done a #77Saturday featuring this book on this blog. But as I owe getting into the online bookish community to Dionne Lister, I’m going to feature it again (and it fits the rules of our TBT’s since it was first published back in 2012).I met Dionne when I attended a writing workshop that she was a panelist for back in 2013. She suggested that we all start a blog and just get writing.
She also introduced us to mammoth bookish beast that is Goodreads and Shadows of the Realm was one of the first books I added to Goodreads once I signed up.
It was Dionne's encouragement and enthusiasm that had me creating a Wordpress, Goodreads and Twitter account as soon as I got home! I followed a bunch of people within the indie author circuit, made some strong connections that I still have today and started my bookish blogging journey.
Thanks Dionne, I owe you one!!!!
Follow Sarah at Sarah Says, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads
What's your pick for this week? Share on your blog, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, or in the comments below! Make sure you tag your posts with #AusYABloggers so we can share the love.
Seventy-Seven Saturday: Tell Me How You Really Feel
Every Saturday we will bring you a short snippet from page 77 of a book. It might be a book one of us is reading or perhaps just the book closest to us.
The Rules:
- Pick up a Book (your current read, or the closest book to you, or your next read, etc)
- Turn to page 77(or 77% if you are on an e-reader)
- Find a Snippet, Sentence or Paragraph you like.
- Share it on your blog or Twitter or Instagram and link back to us (AusYABloggers) and use #77Saturday
Star's Choice

Author:Aminah Mae Safi
Released:11th June 2019
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
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Papa made a noise like a buzzer running out. "Wrong. You apologise profusely, assuming the other person won't forgive you and that you will do anything to get them back on your side. And you have to mean it. Anything."
Star's Thoughts
I think this is a passage in a book where the dad really cares about his daughter and getting her through a situation that she doesn't know how to get out of.
Follow Star at Little Miss Star, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads
Seventy-Seven Saturday was inspired by The Friday 56 by Freda's Voice. If you decided to share your Seventy-Seven Saturday on your blog please link back to us and tag us on Twitter of Instagram @AsuYABloggers and #77Saturday
Book Review: The Ninth Sorceress by Bonnie Wynne
The Ninth Sorceress
Written by Bonnie Wynne
Young Adult, Fantasy
486 Pages
Published TODAY 13th February 2020
Review copy courtesy of Talem Press
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In the blackest dungeon of the Clockwork City, a prisoner lies bound in silver shackles. Who is she? And why are the wizards so afraid of her?
Seventeen-year-old Gwyn has no family and no past. Apprenticed to a half-mad herbalist, she travels the snow-blasted High Country, hawking potions in a peddler’s wagon. Her guardian hides her from the world like a dark secret, and she knows better than to push for answers.
But when she discovers she is hunted by the goddess Beheret, Gwyn is drawn into a deep and ancient tale: of chained gods and lost magic, of truths long buried and the rising of a war she never could have imagined.
Wizards and their magic-sniffing hounds pursue her – as does a stranger in a smiling mask, who calls her by an unfamiliar name…
But what really terrify her are the dangerous gifts she’s spent her life suppressing. Now, Gwyn must step out of the shadows and take charge of her destiny – even if the price is her own soul.
The Ninth Sorceress is the breathtaking first instalment of The Price of Magic, a sweeping fantasy saga full of rich storytelling and tangible magic.
Tash's Thoughts:
It begins with a girl in a jail.
It begins with a girl in a jail.
A girl who is just skin and bones.
Who is this mysterious girl that is
threatening to change the world as everyone knows it?
Bonnie Wynne’s The Ninth Sorceress signals her arrival on the YA scene in
Australia. Appealing to the market with a spell binding tale that will appeal to all
ages. The Ninth Sorceress is a debut not to be missed.
Right from the beginning there is a sense that you
are in the of midst of something great. What that something is, is the question is though,
as The Ninth Sorceress starts with a present tense scene that seems bleak and weary.
Wynne is quick of the mark to rectify the
situation and builds her story quickly, creating a world full of intrigue and
danger. From past to present, there is the element of the unknown hovering around us as the reader as we follow the journey of Gwyn.
Gwyn is a unknown quality at first. Sheltered by her master, she is govern by his
ways. Her choices are taken away from her until she is forced to adapt. Through her own experiences on this journey,
readers learn about this world that Wynne has created. It’s rich and offers a lot, yet there sense
that we are only scratching the surface. The possibilities are endless it
seems and leaves the door wide open for
With the doors being wide open and world building at play. Wynne has ticked off
some of the key elements for a good fantasy book. This is key for this book given the market being bigger than ever.
Readers are seeking something exciting, something that will be rich and
thrilling. .
Wynne’s writing shows that she has crafted
her story well. In a world that is
governed by magic and has no time for those who don’t obey. She does well to
portray Gwyn as an interloper who very existence is cause for alarm. She
isn’t prepared for the situation at hand and her innocence shows a lot during
the early part of this book. It’s her
growth and determination to seek out the truth that changes her own path though it is clouded by destiny.
With a rich world and formidable character
in the making with Gwyn, The Ninth Sorceress is the type of fantasy book that readers want to read. With the movement being
strong as it is Australia. Wynne’s book will quickly find a place amongst the
YA crowd who crave this type of book. Well written and with the typical
elements of fantasy, this unique story needs to be followed to the end.
Follow Tash at Thoughts by Tash , Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads
Sarah did an interview with Bonnie last month, you can check that out HERE
About the author:

She lives in Sydney with her cocker spaniel, Percival Hector (Canine Inspector). When she's not reading or writing, she can be found playing video games, booking her next holiday, or elbow-deep in flour.
THE NINTH SORCERESS is her debut novel and the first book in her series, THE PRICE OF MAGIC.
Seventy-Seven Saturday: The Last Kids on Earth
Every Saturday we will bring you a short snippet from page 77 of a book. It might be a book one of us is reading or perhaps just the book closest to us.
The Rules:
- Pick up a Book (your current read, or the closest book to you, or your next read, etc)
- Turn to page 77 (or 77% if you are on an e-reader)
- Find a Snippet, Sentence or Paragraph you like.
- Share it on your Blog, Twitter or Instagram and link back to us (@AusYABloggers) and use the hashtag #77Saturday
Sarah's Choice
Title: The Last Kids on Earth (Last Kids on Earth #1)Author: Max Brallier
Released: October 13th 2015
Publisher: Viking Books for Young Readers
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Ever since the monster apocalypse hit town, average thirteen year old Jack Sullivan has been living in his tree house, which he's armed to the teeth with catapults and a moat, not to mention video games and an endless supply of Oreos and Mountain Dew scavenged from abandoned stores. But Jack alone is no match for the hoards of Zombies and Winged Wretches and Vine Thingies, and especially not for the eerily intelligent monster known only as Blarg. So Jack builds a team: his dorky best friend, Quint; the reformed middle school bully, Dirk; Jack's loyal pet monster, Rover; and Jack's crush, June. With their help, Jack is going to slay Blarg, achieve the ultimate Feat of Apocalyptic Success, and be average no longer! Can he do it?
Sarah's 77: Every day since he came to live here he's been up at the crack of dawn, 'doing research'. He says we need to document the end of the world properly, like scientists..
Sarah's Thoughts
Riley and I both saw The Last Kids on Earth pop up on Netflix late last year and both thought it looked like an awesome series. It mentioned in the trailer it was based on a book series by the same name, so I told him we'd get the books and read them first.
I purchased books 1-5 and I am hoping/planing to start reading them with him soon.
Follow Sarah at Sarah Says, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads
Seventy-Seven Saturday was inspired by The Friday 56 by Freda's Voice. If you decide to share your Seventy-Seven Saturday on your blog please link back to us and tag us on Twitter & Instagram @AusYABloggers and #77Saturday
Throwback Thursday: Blueback
Throwback Thursday #LoveOzYA edition is our way of spreading the love of backlist Aussie books that you might have missed. We'll hopefully be posting a new book every second week, and we'd love you to join us!
Kelly's pick
Author: Tim Winton
Released: 1997
Publisher: Penguin Books Australia
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Abel Jackson's boyhood belongs to a vanishing world. On an idyllic stretch of coast whose waters teem with fish, he lives a simple, tough existence. It's just him and his mother in the house at Longboat Bay, but Abel has friends in the sea, particularly the magnificent old groper he meets when diving.
As the years pass, things change, but one thing seems to remain constant: the greed of humans. When the modern world comes to his patch of sea, Abel wonders what can stand in its way.
Blueback is a deceptively simple allegory about a boy who matures through fortitude and who finds wisdom through living in harmony with all forms of life.
why i chose it
Blueback is a beautiful and whimsical story of a boy and his friendship with a Blue Groper affectionately named Blueback. Tim Winton has used Blueback as a symbol of our marine wildlife and how it's paramount to protect our coastline. Although the storyline follows Abel from the age of ten up until he's in his thirties, it's his mother that is the shining example of an environmental warrior.Throughout Abel's lifetime, his mother has seen illegal poachers who threaten to destroy the Bay by illegal fishing, developers who want to spoil the magic of the serene coastal property, raising a child alone with no support and living off the land to make ends meet. She's a phenomenal role model that should be celebrated. But it's her determination to protect her coast that will resonate with environmentalists worldwide.
With the focus heavily on our environment, climate change and sustainability, Tim Winton writes incredible stories of environment and saving our natural resources set within the Australian landscape.
Follow Kelly at Diva Booknerd, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads
What's your pick for this week? Share on your blog, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, or in the comments below! Make sure you tag your posts with #AusYABloggers so we can share the love.
Summer Lovin' Book Tag
This tag has been doing the rounds since way back in 2015 but with summer about to begin in Australia, there's no better time for the Summer Lovin' Book Tag.
Feel free to share your answers in the comments or consider yourself tagged and post to your own blog.
1. Start of summer. Pick a book with an attention grabbing first sentence.
Kelly - Nevernight by Jay Kristoff. (Please note this is an adult title)
People often shit themselves when they die, did you know that?
Sarah - Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
So here's the file that nearly killed me, Director.
Brooklynne - American Royals by Katherine McGee
You already know the story of the American Revolution, and the birth of the American monarchy.
Star - The Raven Boys by Maggie Steifvater
Blue Sargent had forgotten how many times she'd been told that she would kill her true love.
Tash - My Sister Rosa by Justine Larbalestier
Rosa is pushing all the buttons.
2. Too hot to go out. Pick a book for a day inside.
Kelly - The Boys of Summer by C. J. Duggan
Sarah - These Witches Don't Burn by Isabel Sterling
Brooklynne - Crier's War by Nina Varela
Star - These Witches Don't Burn by Isabel Sterling
Tash - Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
3. Summer Road trip. Pick a book you’d take with you on the road
Kelly - What I Like About Me by Jenna Guillaume
Sarah - Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett
Brooklynne - The Toll by Neal Shusterman
Star - Tell Me How You Really Feel by Aminah Mae Safi
Tash - The Last Days of Us by Beck Nicholas
4. Iced Tea Goodness. Pick a book with a cold setting
Kelly - Rain Fall by Ella West
Sarah - The Rift by Rachael Craw
Brooklynne - Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan
Star - Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst
Tash - The Book Thief by Marcus Zuscak
5. Nasty Sunburn. A book you really disliked
Kelly - Puberty Blues by Kathy Lette and Gabrielle Carey
Sarah - Fallen by Lauren Kate
Brooklynne - Again, but Better by Christine Riccio
Star - Snow by Ondine Sherman
Tash - Z is Zachariah by Robert C. O'Brien
6. Sizzling Read. Recommend one of your favourite books
Kelly - Monuments by Will Kostakis
Sarah - No Limits by Ellie Marney
Brooklynne - Darke (Septimus Heap #6) by Angie Sage
Star - Amelia Westlake by Erin Gough
Tash - The First Third by Will Kostakis
1. Start of summer. Pick a book with an attention grabbing first sentence.
Kelly - Nevernight by Jay Kristoff. (Please note this is an adult title)
People often shit themselves when they die, did you know that?
Sarah - Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
So here's the file that nearly killed me, Director.
Brooklynne - American Royals by Katherine McGee
You already know the story of the American Revolution, and the birth of the American monarchy.
Star - The Raven Boys by Maggie Steifvater
Blue Sargent had forgotten how many times she'd been told that she would kill her true love.
Tash - My Sister Rosa by Justine Larbalestier
Rosa is pushing all the buttons.
2. Too hot to go out. Pick a book for a day inside.
Kelly - The Boys of Summer by C. J. Duggan
Sarah - These Witches Don't Burn by Isabel Sterling
Brooklynne - Crier's War by Nina Varela
Star - These Witches Don't Burn by Isabel Sterling
Tash - Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
3. Summer Road trip. Pick a book you’d take with you on the road
Kelly - What I Like About Me by Jenna Guillaume
Sarah - Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett
Brooklynne - The Toll by Neal Shusterman
Star - Tell Me How You Really Feel by Aminah Mae Safi
Tash - The Last Days of Us by Beck Nicholas
4. Iced Tea Goodness. Pick a book with a cold setting
Kelly - Rain Fall by Ella West
Sarah - The Rift by Rachael Craw
Brooklynne - Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan
Star - Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst
Tash - The Book Thief by Marcus Zuscak
5. Nasty Sunburn. A book you really disliked
Kelly - Puberty Blues by Kathy Lette and Gabrielle Carey
Sarah - Fallen by Lauren Kate
Brooklynne - Again, but Better by Christine Riccio
Star - Snow by Ondine Sherman
Tash - Z is Zachariah by Robert C. O'Brien
6. Sizzling Read. Recommend one of your favourite books
Kelly - Monuments by Will Kostakis
Sarah - No Limits by Ellie Marney
Brooklynne - Darke (Septimus Heap #6) by Angie Sage
Star - Amelia Westlake by Erin Gough
Tash - The First Third by Will Kostakis
You can find Kelly, Tash, Sarah, Star and Brookynne sharing their love of books here and on their own bookish blogs.
Reading Challenge: February
Hello there fellow bookish gals, guys and otherwise. You have stumbled upon February's reporting Chat Post for our 2020 Reading Challenge, if you are interested in what the challenge is all about (there are prizes to be won) click HERE to read the introductory post.
This months theme is Fun in the sun.
To report your months reads comment below, answering the questions.
Reporting questions:
1) What book did you pick for this month’s read?
2) Did you enjoy it?
3) What rating would you give it out of five?
4) Was there anything in your book that touched you /resonated with you in some way?
5) What was your favourite part of the book?
6) Who would you recommend read this book?
7) Try to sum up the book in one sentence.
We look forward to finding out what you've all been reading.
Next Months theme is Lost and Found.
Next Months theme is Lost and Found.
Seventy-Seven Saturday(#): The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Season of the Witch
Every Saturday we will bring you a short snippet from page 77 of a book. It might be a book one of us is reading or perhaps just the book closest to us.
The Rules:
- Pick up a Book (your current read, or the closest book to you, or your next read, etc)
- Turn to page 77(or 77% if you are on an e-reader)
- Find a Snippet, Sentence or Paragraph you like.
- Share it on your blog or Twitter or Instagram and link back to us (AusYABloggers) and use #77Saturday
Brooklyn's Choice:
Title: The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Season of the Witch
Author: Sarah Rees Brennan
Released: September 2019
Publisher: Scholastic Australia
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"The lady at the stall said if I'd take over face-painting duties, then me and my pretty girlfriend -" Harvey squeezed my hand - "could go to the fair for free. We can go on all the rides, play all the games, and even get free cotton candy. Pretty good deal, huh?"
Brooklyn's Thoughts:
I feel like this novel is honestly the perfect lead into the Netflix series - which I must admit I've only started watching! Sarah Rees Brennan captures the TV characters that we've all grown to love and portrays the sweetly awkward Harvey and his utter devotion to Sabrina really well, as she also portrays the quirks of Sabrina's Aunts, Hilda and Zelda. Definitely recommend for any fans of the show.
Follow Brooklyn at her Blog, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads.
Seventy-Seven Saturday was inspired by The Friday 56 by Freda's Voice. If you decided to share your Seventy-Seven Saturday on your blog please link back to us and tag us on Twitter of Instagram @AsuYABloggers and #77Saturday
Seventy-Seven Saturday: Becoming Dinah
Every Saturday we will bring you a short snippet from page 77 of a book. It might be a book one of us is reading or perhaps just the book closest to us.
The Rules:
- Pick up a Book (your current read, or the closest book to you, or your next read, etc)
- Turn to page 77(or 77% if you are on an e-reader)
- Find a Snippet, Sentence or Paragraph you like.
- Share it on your blog or Twitter or Instagram and link back to us (AusYABloggers) and use #77Saturday
Star's Choice

Author: Kit de Waal
Released:11th July 2019
Publisher:Orion Children's Books
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"I've nothing to confess," Ahab says. "And I'm paying for a van, a white van. I want it back. That's all. There's nothing to tell. A man came and stole something from me. Something precious and I'm getting it back off him. I have to. It doesn't mean anything to him and it means everything to me. It's mine."
Star's Thoughts
I really hope that Ahab gets his white van and precious possession back. He sounds like he's been through an ordeal to try and get it back of whomever stole it from him.
Follow Star at Little Miss Star, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads
Seventy-Seven Saturday was inspired by The Friday 56 by Freda's Voice. If you decided to share your Seventy-Seven Saturday on your blog please link back to us and tag us on Twitter of Instagram @AsuYABloggers and #77Saturday
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