2020 Reading Challenge

Hello there fellow bookish gals, guys and otherwise.

For our Reading Challenge in 2020 we are doing things a little different, in the hope that we can get our non Goodreads using friends and followers to join in on the fun. Each month we will have a theme that participants will pick a book to fit. So a minimum of 12 books to be read all up, there is no maximum. A Chat Post will go live on the group blog on the first Monday of the month, with a reminder of the months theme and questions. We ask that you do not read ahead, but you can always go back and report for a month you missed later on. To report your months reads participants are asked to comment and answer the questions either on the group blog Chat Post or on the Goodreads 2020 Challenge discussion post [HERE]. There will be two prizes up for grabs, but to be eligible all twelve prompts have to be completed by the 31st December. 1st prize - $50.00 Booktopia Voucher (Aus & NZ only). 2nd prize - a book up to the value of $20 from The Book Depository (international). * You do not have to comment on both the blog Chat Post and the Goodreads post, the idea of having the two platforms is so our non Goodreads using friends can still join in - pick whichever platform is easiest for you. ** Our aim of getting you to answer questions to report your read, is to open up conversations and get us all talking about the books we’re reading in 2020. *** So this year to be eligible for a price, all you have to do is read 12 books that match the 12 months prompts, and report them via answering the set questions on your read book either via Goodreads or the group blog.

January – New Beginnings
February – Fun in the sun
March – Lost and Found
April – Spookalicious
May – After Dark 
June – Coming Out
July – Indigenous Voices
August – Tropes-ahoy
September – Awesome Anthologies
October – Mental Health
November – Glorious Graphics
December – Happy Holidays

Reporting questions
1) What book did you pick for this month’s read?
2) Did you enjoy it?
3) What rating would you give it out of five?
4) Was there anything in your book that touched you /resonated with you in some way?
5) What was your favourite part of the book?
6) Who would you recommend read this book?
7) Try to sum up the book in one sentence.

Happy Reading :-)

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