Every Saturday we will bring you a short snippet from page 77 of a book. It might be a book one of us is reading or perhaps just the book closest to us.
The Rules:
- Pick up a Book (your current read, or the closest book to you, or your next read, etc)
- Turn to page 77(or 77% if you are on an e-reader)
- Find a Snippet, Sentence or Paragraph you like.
- Share it on your blog or Twitter or Instagram and link back to us (AusYABloggers) and use #77Saturday
Star's Choice

Author:Aminah Mae Safi
Released:11th June 2019
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
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Papa made a noise like a buzzer running out. "Wrong. You apologise profusely, assuming the other person won't forgive you and that you will do anything to get them back on your side. And you have to mean it. Anything."
Star's Thoughts
I think this is a passage in a book where the dad really cares about his daughter and getting her through a situation that she doesn't know how to get out of.
Follow Star at Little Miss Star, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads
Seventy-Seven Saturday was inspired by The Friday 56 by Freda's Voice. If you decided to share your Seventy-Seven Saturday on your blog please link back to us and tag us on Twitter of Instagram @AsuYABloggers and #77Saturday
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