#LoveOzYABloggers - High School

#LoveOzYABloggers is hosted by #LoveOzYA, a community led organisation dedicated to promoting Australian young adult literature. Keep up to date with all new Aussie YA releases with their monthly newsletter, or find out what’s happening with News and Events, or submit your own!

The #AusYABloggers team is very happy to have teamed up with #LoveOzYA to present #LoveOzYABloggers.

High School - Nicole's Entry

High school is such a great theme to start with - so much YA deals with the high school experience. I find American books don't really capture the reality of an Australian high school, we don't tend to have cafeterias or cheerleaders, and I have no idea what a pep rally is. I was at high school a long time ago, in fact this weekend I'm going to a significantly numbered reunion! 

High school is a pretty difficult time for most people, and while I enjoyed it for the most part, there are definitely things I would go back and change.

So here are my choices to represent high school. One that I read in high school, one that represents who I was, and one that represents experiences I had.

Unlike the protagonist in The Things I Didn't Say, I definitely didn't have selective mutism at school, but I did have a lot of anxiety and there is so much that I wish I had said and done when I had the chance. 

I read Obernewtyn in year 8, when it was newly published, and while it wasn't the first fantasy book I read, it was the first Australian fantasy I read, and it started my love affair with the genre.

Begin, End, Begin: A #LoveOzYA Anthology I've added because of one story in particular - Sundays, by Melissa Keil. I loved this particular story so much because I went to several parties exactly like that in high school. It resonated completely. Someone's kissing someone they're not supposed to, someone else has passed out in the bathroom, and all you want to do is find your friends and go home. Or to McDonald's for a 3am cheeseburger. 

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